Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog Post #9

The flipped classroom is when students watch a video at home on the lesson. The student learns the lesson on their own and takes notes. The student can re-watch the video and work at their own pace from home. The next day in class the students work on problems and activities based on the video watched from home. Students can then ask the teacher questions pertaining to the lecture video they watched from home. When I was in high school one of my teachers used the flip classroom method. This was the website we used: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/trig-equations-and-identities-precalc/inverse-trig-functions-precalc/v/inverse-trig-functions-arcsin

In the podcast, open education was discussed. Open education is a term used to describe an initiative to broaden the access to the learning and training traditionally offered through formal education. The goal is to limit the barriers based on education. For example, to eliminate the requirement for entry, like academic admission requirements. The internet is a useful source for open education because it allows rapid and free information to be shared with people all over the world. https://www.openeducationweek.org

The new skills I acquired from working on the two PowerPoint assignments were how to make games/jeopardy through PowerPoint. I had always wondered how teachers made the jeopardy games through PowerPoint it seemed too difficult. I am glad that I can now say that I know how to do it. I also learned how to add my own audio over a PowerPoint presentation. I find this a very important skill to know how to do because I think it makes your PowerPoints look more professional. I really enjoyed both assignments because I learned so much, and I can see myself using this in the future. I did not like how the assignment were due a week apart.

Assignment 5

Assignment 6 

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