Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blog Post #6

Students who go to Martin County High School have access to their teacher’s class page on the school’s website. Most teachers have the content section divided by each class period because the teacher sometimes teaches multiple subjects. I looked closely at Mr. Hornberger’s class page. He has the content divided by period. On each classroom period page Mr. Hornberger has assignments and resources to study for upcoming test and quizzes. The individual period page is organized by chapter. Once a student clicks on the desired chapter there are assignments, pictures of the text book, and other helpful resources pertaining to that chapter. Mr. Hornberger’s class pages are designed for students ranging from 9th to 12th grade.

I envision myself using technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. I will do this by having all my lesson plans on word and PowerPoint so that way I can update them and add to them whenever I want. The Word processors also check grammar and spelling, which is a great way to make sure all my documents are grammatically correct. I will also use Word processors to make test, monthly newsletters, and assignments. Software Evaluation Rubrics will be useful to evaluate and grade student assignments. The online rubric makes it easier for teachers because all you must do is click how each student did in each category and then it calculates the grade. This will save time as a teacher by not having to calculate each grade by hand and I can store all the grades digitally.

The Promethean Board is a piece of technology that could be used in the classroom. With the Promethean Board teachers, can display virtually anything seen on the computer screen on the board. Teachers can use the board to write notes on, display videos, and so much more. The Promethean Board is an interactive whiteboard. It even comes with a student pen where teachers can program that pen to only have certain abilities. The Promethean Board also comes with access to a website with tons of lesson plans and games designed just for the board. For example, there is jeopardy for just about every subject. The jeopardy game is a great way students can interact with the board and review topics in a fun way. I hope that when I become a teacher that either the Promethean Board in my classroom.


  1. I would also use Word and PowerPoint for lesson plans... but don't forget about Prezi! I loved the Promethean board from the Technology Sandbox. When we went it was the first time I had ever seen a smart board and it made me very excited for the future of education. Great post!

  2. I also loved the Promethean Board!! It was so easy to use and super interactive with both teachers and students. I also liked how you screen-shotted 3 images from the Martin County High School's website! Cool to see different pages. Good job! :)
