Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blog Post #2

As a student, I have used MS Word in almost every class I have ever taken. I most commonly use MS Word to write papers, whether it be a research paper, short essay, or discussion board, I always use Word. I also use Word if I need to print out a picture. I paste the picture on a blank MS Word file, and then print. I enjoy using MS Word because it is simple and easy to use. I have seen my teachers use MS Word mostly to post instructions on how to do something. I have also seen teachers use MS Word to write recommendation letters for students.

My experience with copyright and fair use of materials is very small. When I was in high school I never had a teacher, who went over the fair use of materials. After reading the CSMI’s best practices I did not know this issue existed, but it makes sense to me now why it would. I found the podcast helpful as well to further my knowledge about this topic. When I am a teacher I will be sure to teach my students about copyright and fair use in an age appropriate manner. I will also teach them how they can copyright their own work. I think a good activity would be to have each student create something on their own, or in a group. After they have created something I could walk them through the steps of getting it copyrighted. Once they have created and gotten it copyrighted they could then maybe better understand how other people feel when people use their work without giving them create.

Reflecting on the implementation issues from Chapter 11 I feel that the more people use technology the wider spread these technology issues will become. The three main technology implementation issues are legal issues, social issues, and ethical issues. Under the legal issues category acceptable use and copyright falls under it. A solution to prevent this from happening in my classroom would be to teach students that the information they find on the web is copyrighted. I would also explain how using other online sources without sighting it is plagiarism. Another issue is cyberbullying, there would be a zero tolerance for cyberbullying in my class. If a student was caught cyberbullying another student I would immeditaly send him or her to the principal. I would tell my students how hurtful cyberbullying is and what can happen to students who are bullied. A third issue could be students using freedom of speech in the wrong way. For example, students may think that they can say whatever they want online and nothing bad will happen to them. Students must be made aware that what they post on the internet cannot be deleted.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Post #1

Teachers use technology in the classroom because it can influence the way students learn. With the use of technology, teachers can further their lessons by using technology to demonstrate what they are teaching. Teachers can also use technology to aid visual learners. Students can use technology in the classroom because it influences their future. As society and technology flourish students need to know how to use it.

One ISTE standard that gladdens my heart is being a creative communicator. I feel this is an important skill for students to possess. When a student is a creative communicator he or she can go beyond and create ditgital media that is engaging. One standard that seems outside of my current skill set is being an innovative designer. I feel that I do not know enough to solve problems in new ways. Also, I do not know how to calculate risks for certain designs.

A digital native is someone who has grown up with technology, meaning they do not know life without technology. I agree with this term digital native labeling today’s youth because they have been surrounded by technology their whole life. I personally seen differneces between myself and most of my teachers in the way we use technology. I, for example, being a digital native for the most part always know what I am doing with a computer. If I do not I know, I think I could figure it out. Most of my teachers, being digital immigrants, are more reserved when it comes to technology. When there is a problem with the computer or they do not know how to do somwthing they immeditaly freak out and try and find someone to fix the problem. The differences I anticipate between myself and my future students in terms of how we use technology is that there will not be many differences. Being that we are both ditgital natives we both will know and understand how to use technology quickly and efficiently.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blog Post #0

My prior experiences using technology was in middle school I had to take a technology course. I remember going over Microsoft programs. In that class we went over PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. Although I was in a technology class it was so long ago that I do not remember what was taught. Also, these programs have been updated since the last time I was taught them.

I hope to learn how to use Excel better, and to know what people use it for. I am also interested in learning more about blogs because I have never used one before. I am hoping to like blogging and maybe I will get more into it in the future. I want to learn how to use the most recently updated version of Microsoft.

From the questionnaire I learned more about my learning style. I am a more active learning meaning I learn better by doing something or working a problem out. Also I am a sensual learner because I like learning about real world things. I do not enjoy learning about theories. Visual representations aid my learning and help me to better understand information.